About the Setting

The Mass of the Blessed Fire is a new musical setting of the congregational acclamations and chants from the new English translation of the Roman Missal.

The setting is unaccompanied and unison, designed for easy, but beautiful and hardy, congregational singing. The melodies are based on the traditional music of the United Society of Believers, an American Protestant monastic group more commonly called The Shakers.

While respecting the clear differences between the genres, I believe there are important parallels between Shaker music and the traditional chant of the Roman Catholic Mass. I think you will find that this setting respects the liturgical form and function of the congregational portions of the Mass, while bringing them into an American religious context.

As you might imagine if read my blog or know me personally, I have a lot to say on this subject.
To keep up to date on developments with this Mass setting, like finding out when it is finished or learning more about how Shaker music can work in a Catholic liturgical setting, please sign up to get updates from me about the Mass setting.